Six Actions to Take Now for Impactful Year-End Fundraising  

While we may still be keeping our fingers crossed for a last burst of summer sunshine, as we near the last quarter of the year, it’s time for Irish charities to start thinking about end-of-year fundraising and Christmas Appeals! The closing months of the year are a time when people traditionally have charitable giving on their minds, making it an ideal time to communicate with and engage supporters. In fact, many organisations raise up to 25% of their annual revenue in the month of December. To leverage the unique donor engagement opportunity that the end of the year brings, you must be prepared. To help you with that preparation, in this month’s OKC Insights we'll outline six actionable steps that your organisation can take now to enhance your year-end fundraising and make a lasting impact. 

1. Plan ahead 

The fundraising landscape is noisiest in the last few months of the year, potentially overwhelming both donors and organisations. Putting together a well-structured plan with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals and clear KPIs provides your team with a clear sense of direction and helps to ensure that your winter campaign runs smoothly and efficiently. A well-thought-out timeline ensures everyone involved is on the same page, and responsibilities are well-defined. Consider leveraging events like #GivingTuesday as a starting point and block in time for regular check-ins to monitor progress. Taking this kind of proactive approach allows you to seize opportunities, avoid bottlenecks, and provide a seamless experience for your supporters.

2. Learn from last year 

Data is a powerful tool when it comes to shaping your strategies. Before diving into this year's campaign, take a close look at last year’s results. Analyse how your 2022 campaign performed—did you meet your goals? What strategies worked well? Which ones fell short? Understanding these insights can guide you in fine-tuning your approach for the end of 2023, ensuring that your efforts align with donor preferences and yield better outcomes. 

3. Think about your audience and personalise your communications 

Crafting an impactful year-end campaign hinges on understanding and personalising your messages for your audience. Make sure that you’re tailoring your communications to resonate with different donor segments and preferences and personalising your message to the recipient whenever possible. This helps to deepen the connection between the donor and the cause, building a long-term relationship and enhancing their desire to contribute again, often at higher levels. 

4. Tell a compelling story  

One of the best ways to connect with existing and potential donors at the end of the year is through the power of storytelling. Create a narrative that highlights the impact of your work throughout the year - and more importantly, the impact that your supporters have enabled! If possible, share the story of one individual, family, community or beneficiary that has been positively impacted through donor support this year. An emotional and relatable story can help potential donors see the tangible difference their contributions can make.   

5. Make the Ask: 

When it comes to making the ask, choose the appropriate channels for delivering your year-end or Christmas fundraising appeal (e.g. social media, phone, direct mail, e-mail, events, in-person meetings, your website) and start crafting your channel-specific asks. Incorporate storytelling, videos, testimonials, visuals, and a clear call to action in your messages, and be sure to make your messaging donor-centric and focused on impact. If possible, provide suggested giving levels to guide donors toward meaningful contributions that are within their capacity.  

6. Say thank you 

It might be the season of giving, but we need to remember that it’s also the season of thanks and gratitude! Make sure that amidst the bustle of the end of year, you take the time to thank your donors and show your gratitude for their support. Keep them updated on the progress of ongoing projects and the impact of their donations. Gratitude is key when it comes to retaining the donors you already have, so remember to put in an appropriate amount of effort towards nurturing long-lasting, sustainable relationships.  


Gearing up for successful year-end or Christmas specific fundraising appeal involves good and timely planning, learning from past experiences, personalising communications, sharing impactful stories, making effective asks, and expressing gratitude. By embracing these steps, Irish charities can elevate their campaigns and create a lasting impact that resonates well beyond the year end. At OKC, we’re here to help you do just that - check out our services to find out more about how we can work together to enable you to increase your fundraised income and philanthropic impact in 2024 and beyond! 



Planning for Giving Tuesday 2023: A Step-by-Step Guide for Charities in Ireland 


Writing for Impact: Crafting Compelling Fundraising Copy